Monday, May 5, 2008

"Chuckie" Morehead

There is rarely a father and son so much alike as Chuck and Chuckie Morehead were. Chuckie was the big brother I never had. I grew up with him, even though he was about 4 years older than me. He helped me get a paper route when I wasn't old enough to have one. He agreed to be responsible for the route long enough for the manager to see that even though I wasn't old enough, I could handle the route and the papers were delivered on time and everyone got theirs, with no exceptions.
As we both got older I guess our relationship became closer. I talked with him about things going on in my life and so forth. He gave me a lot of good thoughts to think about and several good ideas as to how to change the way I looked at things. He was a terrific person. He passed away in 2001 and I sure miss our conversations.
He and I were in scouts together. And if you don't know much about the boy scouts it is an organization based on Christian values. That is where a lot of the boys first learned about Christianity. I think it was a good thing..but not all agreed but I guess that is how life is in general. Not everyone agrees with that is how life is. We had a lot of fun on camping trips, exploring new places and so forth. Things I will always treasure. Just talking with Chuckie made you feel good because of what he said and how he said it. He seemed to have good advice.
He was a teacher and a very good one too. His "kids" all adored him. He taught with fairness and with complete control of the classroom, and I guess that is because of who he was and the respect the kids had for him. He touched many more lives than just mine...even though he is gone..he left a lot of good behind and he touched alot of young people, leaving a mark not to be forgotten. Just like his father. Two of a kind, made from the same mold, just a few years apart. Just My thoughts

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