Friday, April 4, 2008

Little tid bits about mother

Mother sat me down and told me that she didn't have any idea what either of her daughters were going to be when the grew up ( I was around 14 maybe) BUT she knew what Donnie (Don) was going to be and what I was going to be...Don was going to be a dentist and I was going to be a minister. Well my brother is Dr. Don Hamilton, DVM so she was close with him....I didn't become a minister.....yet..but you never know....I have thought about it....

Mother was smart is so many ways...Looking back...I wished I'd have paid more attention to what she and dad had to say. But you know how teenagers one is as smart as us and no one knows what we know...

I can remember once when I wanted to drag race. I got a car and fixed it up to run.....Both my parents were dead set against it.....I got mad and left...pulled my car to the race track and raced it. Did pretty good......because the next time I decided to race...Mom and Dad both went with me. So be it. All I can think of at the moment. Just My Thoughts

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